Topic outline

  • Governors

    Our governing body is responsible for overseeing the management of school: strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing.  Governors work in a consultative fashion to support and challenge the headteacher to enable them to run school as effectively as possible, working alongside senior leaders and supporting teachers to provide excellent welfare and education for the children.  Governors have shared responsibility, but each governor may also have a specific area of responsibility, eg: chair, safeguarding, finance etc.

    Apart from regular meetings throughout the school year governors may do other tasks such as themed learning walks in school, eg: looking at maths provision in classes, reviewing admin, attending school events.

    The governing body is made up of parents, carers, staff and other officers appointed by Flintshire County Council.  We always welcome new governors.  It doesn't matter what skills or experience you do or don't have - the important thing is to have a heart for our children.  Training is available, eg: through Governors Wales.  If you think you could help support school by becoming a governor we'd love to hear from you.  Just get in touch with Noel Fitzgerald, our headteacher, on 01352 792 730 or

    Gavin Jones
    Chair of Governors