Topic outline

  • In the specialist education sector children's families are an integral part of school.  We rely on them for important information and insight about their child's  interests, learning, play, and physical and emotional wellbeing.  Using the Class Dojo app, teachers ensure there is regular communication home with children's progress, class news, home learning suggestions and school updates.  Similarly families can use Class Dojo to get in touch with class to share news and information.

    Families are encouraged to be as involved in their child's education as possible.  We make sure there are opportunities for families to contribute to their child's target setting, emotional and behaviour support plans and One Page Profiles.  While there is a formal annual review of a child's Individual Development Plan families can contact school at any stage regarding progress and wellbeing.  In addition school hosts events throughout the year that families can participate in, such as Christmas and Easter celebrations, open days, Sports Day and our Summer Fair.

    Our families are welcome and encouraged to contact school with any suggestions, queries or concerns.  In the first instance this should be to their child's class teacher by Class Dojo or phone.  Appointments for face to face meetings can be arranged as required.

    01352 792 730

    Class Dojo - private family profiles are set up via class teachers