Topic outline
School housekeeping
Home/school communication
School children are happiest in school, learn best and make the best progress when home and school work together to understand what the child needs and to be consistent together. We welcome support, suggestions and questions from families at all times. If you have any queries you must not hesitate to get in touch using Class Dojo, phone, email or arranging to visit.
Our principle method of daily communication is by using the Class Dojo app, where we can share messages, pictures, films and documents. You will receive a daily Dojo update on your child’s activities and learning, and can use it yourself to share news and pictures about what you child has got up to, or business such as reminders about appointments or that they’ve left their jumper in school etc. Messages and pictures shared on Class Story can be seen by anyone linked to the class. Those shared in the Message function are private between you and the staff member you have sent to. In addition there is a private Portfolio section for each child. You will be sent log in details when your child joins the school or moves class within the school.
Your child’s class teacher will also share draft documents for your input, such as One Page Profiles, termly targets, IDP outcomes, behaviour support plans etc. It is important that school is able to draw on your knowledge and experience to ensure we are doing the right things for your child.
All children with an IDP must have an annual review. This is an important formal time for you, school and all those involved in the education and care of your child to celebrate their achievement, re-consider their needs and plan ahead including setting outcomes for the near future. This document is legally enforceable and guides provision for your child.