Topic outline

  • Curriculum Structure

    Curriculum Structure

    We follow the Curriculum for Wales which is arranged into six Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLE):

    • Languages, literacy and communication (which includes Welsh)
    • Mathematics and numeracy
    • Expressive arts
    • Health and well-being (which includes PE and Relationships and Sexuality Education)
    • Humanities (which includes Religion, Values and Ethics)
    • Science and technology

    In addition to the AoLEs we provide a curriculum pathway for learners with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD), which has become our own seventh AoLE.  Learners with PMLD are working on foundational communication and cognition skills which require sensory approaches.

    In addition all teachers plan to teach the cross curricular skills in the Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF) and the Digital Competence Framework (DCF) All teachers in compulsory schools and childcare settings in Wales (that is for 

    require sensory approaches to their learning and focuses on supporting our PMLD learners. School also supports some learner through its SCERTS® curriculum which supports our autistic learners who may have sensory needs.


    For further information on curriculum for wales go to



    For more information on supporting our PMLD learners go to


    For information on SCERTS®  go to